
Using belts on my car?no way I'm here the law by Marta

While waiting for the marschrutka two good and new autos stopped. There was this kind of gigolo more than 35 fatty man inviting us to bring us to our destination at Qvabiskhevi where we where going to see the scouts and camp for the night. We accepted because he was the local chef of the rescue service. He was afterwards saying that we had to with him, that he would show us vardzia, and arrange the meal and the hotels for us, but we kept on insisting that we had our plans and we could do that other time. I was putting the belt, when Linda had to translate me, that as he was the chef of the region, he was like the police, so nobody needed to use that on his auto. Yeah, law giving example! In the park we got breakfast, we join an action about cleening that Linda and me finded an absurdity introduction to cleaning, when we where at the river that was (lleno de mierda, como una pocilga) pretty trashy. And she stopped us and send us to kleen the mountain “toilettes”, some how disgusting, but at least I had a glove, and there is people that work putting their hands inside porks so….Then the typical game I should have had in my first youth and not when I was playing with boys 10 years younger than me, but I still choosed to kiss hehehe, on the chick don’t worry, on the chick. Where there were three funny momments: this shiffle cheffin, RITA “sherry bobbings”, always hiting baddly on boys chick and somehow on their honour too, but still they almost didn’t hit her back, as hard as she did (impressive to seeing her in the church afterwards being the most devote, maybe following put the other chick rule??), then the boys asking aus how old we where end sounding really deceipted with this too old chicks, hehehe and then forgetting our age againg by trying to declaire themselves in georgian an azerbaian. Well at least we made a friend. I really got on well with Fahrid, he would be a great man one day, he was always a good translator to us, really helpful, and calm (he was also the only one helping us to deal with the disgusting rests of live, so that gives him 1000 mini-points). As he could both azerbaian and georgian, we decided to follow him to an azerbaian lesson about body language, that for them might be enough, but for me was little neew, although, I had funs with the games, and I realiced I was not good acting. The guy teaching was pretty much into america saving us because they are the good guys, because of what we so in his curriculum, but yeah, at least it is a chance of education for many people here so. “ Americanos, os recibimos con alegria... olé mi madre...olé mi suegra y olé mi tia”.

We had to talk to the ranger to say hello, we was in some fish-chacha party (“merendola”) with a pope and a men in black. Yuhu, the party of my life. Of course we didn’t stay to tell them a good night story. After the dinner they had some party, there was this girl singing, really good, but the only think I could think about is to rent her for getting rid of any animal trace in 30km arround while we would be trekking. Although I deeply wanted to meet “Yoggie and bubu”

The church place was great, cause you could see many mountains with the moon light, but the moon was not already at sight and we where sitting on the verge of a clifft, next to the church. I went inside the church, and it was impressive how they recited all this georgian rituals, it sounded good, I asked if like the churches are still open here at night all if all knew what to do, like in a kind of first aids training for church rituals.

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