Well after a great weekend there I have to leave to Berlin, where I visit my dear friend Davo and his landlady Birgit with her scary cats, we had a great night talking but I have to catch the plane that would lead me to (Letland) Latvia to meet Linda, the other part of this Glennie team that will be established in Borjomi (Georgia). I left Berlin early in the morning and I had to stay for some hours in Skavsta airport near Stockholm, so I decided to go to Nynköping and move around for two hours in search for a bag, cause mine was badly damaged. The town is nice, in the port part, and it was so hot I thought I was in Spain but appart from that I was alone and get bored so I just wanted to leave and continue my journey.
At 20.00h I took the plane to Riga. When you are allmost there you can see how beautiful the beach line of Riga is. A long distance beach and close to it is all green. Well, I arrived and Linda was at the airport and we went to her home. I was 2 days there and it was really interesting cause I tried to interview Spanish people, for my video project, that I found loads on the center of Riga and I went to eat to a restaurant where I thought they gave me pear liquour, although I asked for some natural breverage and then I ate bread with Marihuana butter, which was really tasty.Mmmmh... The Market in Riga was also really nice, which made me think about how much I miss this markets where you can from buy vegetables to shoes, because in Madrid they are kind of disapeared (Cascorro still left). Well, the night before living I don't know what I ate but it iched me all over my body, which was red and Linda and I ended walking at 3h in the night to find some antiallergic pills. Then the following day Linda was interviewed in Latvia, because of her great travelling experiences that in more than one ocasion put her on the verge of bad endings, I didn't understand a single word, but it was funny and the people where really easygoing. Then we where at the plane... during the plane some latvians where having party, cause Georgia is a great vacational destination over there and even a guy went to the toilette to smoke, so in our landing at Tblisi, the police cars where waiting for us (for the guy, we had to wait to see how they invited him to follow them till we could descend the plane). An there first strange letters, first huge bulding iluminated and a photo of "welcome" to remember who is entering the country, which I thought that is what in USA do probably too. But then, Internet for Free!!! So we decided to stay better the whole night up, cause it was 1.00h in the morning and at 7.00h we took the train to the center of the city. In the airport there where some militars with automatic fire guns and it was kind of made to boast of. With all that artificial trees and the big watter fall and the train station with its golden wrapping papers that although new strarted to get unsticked to the wall. Tacky. Actually, here you see in Borjomi no militar presence, but in Tblisi they where always on the underground. It gave kind of strange feeling. I followed Linda, cause she seemed to know where she was going, I had no clue cause hearing and reading names was too new for me. Well we ended at Dodo's place, the homestay of an old but hectic retired which decieded to take advance of her short month income by learning English and not so legaly hosting people. We made a couple of friends there, we had our adventures going to eat Kinkhali(meat dumplings) and Hatchapuri (bread with cheese), that even after 2 days I didn't wanted anymore, hehehe. I started to learn georgian words and we went to the sulfurbad, which was actually a shower, so we where kind of deilused, cause we expected a pool. Then after 3 days in Tblisi, even when we where tempted by the guys to leave our glennies responsabilities for a while and follow them to Kazbegi mountains for Trekking, we took a Marschrutka to Borjomi. With 2 (but not "3) billiets to the adventure". This kind of bus with its kamikaze conductor that allmost crash and looked away off the road, even without hands, to complaint with the protesting passengers, we arrived to this marvellous place called Borjomi.
Querida familia, amigos, glennies.... Aun no hemos definido todas las caracteristicas de este Blog, pero ya es tiempo de comenzar a poner nuestras aventuras para que no se nos borren de la memoria, pues cada dia que pasa nos ocurren mas cosas. En bastantes casos, utilizaremos el Diario de Linda ya que se pasa el rato escribiendo lo que nos pasa,asi que esta bastante completo.
Bueno, empezare como empezo mi viaje, en alemania en el "Fusionfest" un festival en el norte de Alemania (Waren) en el que un peluquero borracho se ofrece a cortarte el pelo, asique imaginaos el resto. A pesar de lo bien que me lo estaba pasando, tuve que dejar el festival y fui a Berlin a casa de mi amigo Davo y de su casera Birgit, con sus gatos asustadizos. Estuvimos hablando, pero el tiempo no dio para mucho, pues tuve que cojer un avion que me llevaria a buscar a Linda a letonia, la otra integrante Glennie de equipo y que pasaria por Suecia, donde pare en Skavsta, el aeropuerto de Ryanairs cerca de Stocolmo. Estuve dando una vuelta por Nynköping y hacia tanto calor que parecia España, pero como estaba yo sola me aburri un poco y estaba ansiosa por continuar el viaje.
A las 8 tomé el avión para Riga, era impresionante ver lo verde que era todo y lo larga y bonita que era la linea de costa rodeada de bosques. Estuve 2 dias en Riga, tratando de hacer entrevistas a los españoles que encontraba por alli, para mi proyecto, que eran bastantes porque venian haciendo un crucero por las capitales del baltico. Fui al mercado, que era muy tranquilo, a pesar de que a los turistas les avisaban de que les robarian si iban y un tendero me echo la bronca porque venida cosas nazis e intente sacarles una foto. Tambien tome un licor de Pera, a pesar de que yo lo pedi pensando que no era alcoholico y pan con matequilla de marihuana, bastante rico por cierto. La noche antes de partir para Georgia, todo mi cuerpo tuvo una reaccion alergica, pense que debido a una sopa rosa de rabanos, asique nos ves a linda y a mi, preocupadas por ver si mejoraria antes de ir a georgia, llendo a por medicinas a la farmacia de guardia en medio de la noche que por suerte estaba cerca. Un bonito paseo nocturno.
En el avión para Tbilisi habia muchos Letones empinando el codo, porque para ellos Georgia es como Benidorm. Incluso uno se puso a fumar en los baños, asique vino la policia nada mas llegar a Tbilisi a arrestarle. Al entrar en el pais te hacian una foto, ¡qué fiscalización, madre!, pero luego el internet en el aeropuerto era by the face. En fin, estaba todo Tbilisi lleno de militares, en el aeropuerto llevaban armas automaticas, me recordo a una gilipollez de mujeres con armas que sale en bowling for columbine, resultaba subrealista, claro que en Alemania tambien son ais de sobrados. Deje que Linda me llevase hasta el hostal por el metro, porque con tanta letruja y palabreja no habia quien se aclarase. Fuimos a Dodo, donde una buena mujer que ha aprendido ingles a base de alojar a gente de manera semi-legal, nos recibio en su casa. Era una mujer muy graciosa, que nos dijo que lo que teniamos que hacer era casarnos con un hombre rico. En su familia, su sobrina era cantante de opera. Alli hicimos unos amiguetes, con los que acabamos comiendo kinkhali y hatchapuri, de lo que acababas ya hasta los cojones al tercer dia aunque es como con el kebab, que aun asi, sigues comiendolo. Con la pizza en cambio nunca acabo hasta los cojones, ¿por que será? Bueno, nos dieron tentaciones de seguirlos hasta el monte Kazbegui (a donde por lo visto a Prometeo le comian los higadillos), pero la llamada de nuestro deber fue mas fuerte y tomamos la Marschrutka de un Kamikaze para llegar, a ese bonito lugar, que se conoce por el nombre de Borjomi.
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